
Onboarding and After

This is our final article in the series and in it we discuss the importance of onboarding and how to quickly and easily prepare for the arrival of a new hire. A professional and smooth on-boarding is an essential part of every hiring. A simple checklist is all you need to prepare for every new hire and once the process is in place it is just activated for each starter. There are numerous online checklists an onboarding tools available free so there is no excuse for not having this organised…[Read More]

Managing the Offer Stage

Our articles have taken you – as a business-owner or Human Resources Manager – through the recruitment process from sourcing all the way to final selection. Now we will talk about the final stage of making and managing a job offer.
We say ‘Managing’ rather than ‘Making’ an offer because it is critical that you achieve a successful hiring after all the work and use of resources to get to this point…[Read More]

Interviewing – Part 2

In the first article on interviewing we focused on preparing and starting an interview. In this article we will discuss how to handle the main part of the interview – the body – as well as closing and following up on the interview…[Read More]